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Brian La Belle


Brian La Belle

Summerland Story Co. and Summerland Creative work together with the combined effort of being a boutique digital ad house and full-service motion picture production company. The creative instincts of storytelling translate perfectly to short-form videos and commercials. Brian La Belle and his team have creatively developed and directed over 30 commercial campaigns. Clients include Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau, Discover Long Island, Santa Monica Travel & Tourism, The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, Ritz Carlton, and many more. The approach to content creation is as unique as the roots in which Summerland Story Co. grew from, and this sets us apart from any other boutique in the business today.

Summerland Story Co. also encompasses the feature film side of Brian La Belle’s body of work, which spans 20 years. By the time he turned 18, he was producing and writing projects which lead to creative collaborations with artists such as director/producers Andrew Davis, Joel Schumacher, actor/producers Christopher Kennedy Masterson and Bryan Cranston. Brian La Belle has written and produced three films and worked on the hit shows ‘Malcolm in the Middle,’ ‘Bones,’ and ‘Black Box.’ In 2004, Brian’s screenplay ‘The Sixth Chamber’ climbed to the top 10 of 8000 screenplay submissions on the HBO series ‘Project Greenlight.’ You can watch him in the first episode of season 2 with Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, and Chris Moore. Today, this same screenplay is in development to become a major motion picture. Brian also wrote and produced ‘The Art of Travel,’ a cult favorite in the travel movie genre. The film earned accolades across 26 film festivals and lives on many top 25 best travel film lists.


Writing is about feeling.  If you can’t feel the moment of suspense, laughter or tears as you write, your audience won’t either.


Bringing everything together is a thrill.  Directing is netting several moving parts to create a body of work that moves an audience the same way you were moved when you first read it on the page or saw it through the lens.  Audience/viewer retention is the greatest reward.


Creative is a culture built on being fun, collaborative and daring. Engaging with the client and expanding upon their vision is the ultimate pay off.

Brian LaBelle will be directing the upcoming feature The Sixth Chamber currently in development with a target release date in 2017. Check back for the latest updates.